"GET SELECTED" SFAS Training Program (12-Weeks)
12 week get selected fitness program sample

"GET SELECTED" SFAS Training Program (12-Weeks)

Regular price $34.99

This 12-week Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS) fitness program is the "go-to" selection train-up for future Green Berets. "Get Selected" is constructed to contain exactly what you need to be physically prepared for SFAS, without all the "fluff" you might find in other fitness plans.

This fitness program is also appropriate for other Special Operations (SOF) selection courses such as the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP), the Psychological Operations Assessment and Selection (POAS), and the Civil Affairs Assessment and Selection (CAAS).

Each week will consist of a 6-days of training (many days with 2-workouts a day), with one rest day. This program is designed to maximize your ability to carry heavy-loads over long distances (ruck marching and equipment carries), improve your overall endurance, and increase full-body muscular strength.

training highlights

+ Specially designed warm-ups and cooldowns

+ Progressive ruck-march ability increase sessions focused on distance and weight (up to a 20-miler testing)

+ Stacked splits with cardio-complex training

+ Strength improvement/calisthenics workouts

+ Specific VO2 Max improvement sessions

+ Long runs/cardio intensive

a group of soldiers at special forces assessment and selection assembling an apparatus during a challenging event.
a soldier ruck marching to get selected for green beret special forces training

Track your training easily and effectively, with EVERYTHING available at your fingertips.

Full program will be delivered as an e-book download upon payment. The Program will also be printable.

12 week get selected fitness program sample


Comprehensive and Structured

12x full weeks of day-by-day training. Every workout is provided for you. All you have to do is put in the work.

Targeted Fitness

Training focused on improving ruck-marching ability, overall muscle-endurance, and the build up of positive bone density while maintaining just the right amount of recovery to avoid injury or over-training.

Minimal Equipment Needed

All you will need is basic gym equipment (i.e. barbell, bench, squat rack, and dumbbells), a pull-up bar, and a ruck sack.



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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Great program

I used this program to pass CA selection and I was well over prepared.

Trey Wallace

Well structured, well thought out. Very clear quality program

Kyle Rose
Currently on Week 4

Highly recommended that you start the program already in shape. This program is not only a good regimented program, but it is an accountability program. You have to not cheat yourself, some days suck but cheating it only cheats yourself.
I've made drastic improvements since starting primarily in my running, all be it that I have never been good at distance running. I have always been a strong lifter in both endurance and strength lifting, with this being said I still find a challenge on strength and strength/power days. For $30 you will absolutely get your money worth, it is essentially a steal when other programs out there will charge 10x the amount.

This program is not without its criticisms:
No deload week, I'm not lazy (only a little bit). Science has proven that regimented deload week is better for gains, aids in recovery, etc.
Turkish get-ups, I always found this portion of a day extremely tedious and without much purpose. I ended up substituting this exercise with single arm OH lunge, I feel that this functions the same as a shoulder stability exercise while getting a better quad exercise.
This brings me onto my other criticism, lack of substitute exercises. Many days repeat exercises, this is fine for mastering a particular movement but when the goal is an overall fitness improvement (for the purpose of something extremely challenging such as RASP) it could be a valuable addition to have different movements.

Solid program; stay gritty

joshua Saha
Well worth the $$ would pay more, for more instruction --- progress: ongoing, on week 6

As the title says this is well worth the cash. I think this program balances strength training with cardio better than the SFAS training book the schoolhouse put out. My rucking has improved exponentially using this program in tandem with the gritty soldier videos on interval rucking and nutrition. I was an infantry paratrooper for 4 years and never knew so much of this. I went from struggling with a 15 min/mile pace walking to a 12:46 min/mile pace on my 12 mile w/ 40lbs dry. 13:13 w/ 45lbs dry and hot as hell weather. I will say that I wish there were more instruction particularly around the stretching routine. For example I don't know what stretch you refer to when you say "upper back stretch."

Things I like/ tips:
Constantly monitor how you are feeling and what you are changing. You're rucking time is your best tool for evaluation.
- Are your feet getting numb? Try loosening your boots. Did this fix it? if yes, mentally record
- Are you chaffing on your back from the ruck? Try pulling down your shirt and undoing your waist belt when you run--did this fix it? mentally record and if not, experiment till you find what works.
-Are you running out of energy from only eating every 3 miles? try more carb dense food--did this work? mentally record.
-Are you getting hotspots? Stop and apply moleskin-- did this fix it? mentally record
***This experience is invaluable.

Things I don't like:
- My running has not improved as much as I feel it should. I get fatigued fast and don't feel much better off than I was when I started despite pushing hard as hell and never skipping a workout. I think 100% 2 mile runs should be thrown in every now and again. This bullet point is largely anecdotal, and my body might just be over fatigued. Time will tell. I still have a couples months before I report to SFPD and will update. I don't think I get a ton out of the vO2 max days even while going at a 100 percent.
- If you are inexperienced at complicated lifts like the power clean and clean pull there is an added learning curve and it is easy to hurt yourself. I have gotten much better at power cleans, but still tend to overstress my shoulder when doing clean pulls.
- the 4X 10 turkish get ups. Is this per side for 80 turkish get ups total? The turkish get ups were new to me and damn did this take forever. If you are supposed to be at 100% effort by the end of each set the time it takes to get through these is insane and not what I feel the intent was.

In closing: While there are (IMO) shortfalls to this program, it still an amazing program for the value. You should be learning something new every time you ruck in the beginning. Learn your pacing and how you feel at that pace on your runs. Stick to the program, and you will be better for it. No regrets in my purchase.

Robert Porter
Don’t wait to get it

So far it’s been great. Plus seen improvements in myself. If your wondering if need or want to get it for selection just get it. Totally worth it