An 8-week Sapper Leaders Course fitness program specifically designed to prepare you for the rigorous conditions and extreme physical demands tested at one of the most difficult courses the US Army has to offer.
This fitness program focuses on significantly increasing one's dynamic and holistic strength. Main areas of emphasis are the core, ruck-march ability, V02 Max, and overall endurance.
Each week of this training program will consist of 6-days for training (many days with 2-workouts a day), and one rest day. This Sapper School training plan will focus on maximizing scoring potential for the SPFT (Sapper Physical Fitness Test) and the 12-Mile road march required for entrance into the school.
+ Specially designed warm-ups
+ Assessments before and after the training program
+ Critical functional and bodyweight exercises
+ Dynamic, full-body strength improvement
+ VO2 Max/fast-twitch cardio improvement sessions
+ Ruck march intensive with elevation specific training
+ Progressive increase in difficulty

why this program works
8x full weeks of day-by-day training. Every workout is provided for you. All you have to do is put in the work.
Training focused on improving endurance, strength, and speed while maintaining just the right amount of recovery to avoid injury or over-training.
All you will need is basic gym equipment (i.e. barbell, bench, squat rack, and dumbbells), a pull-up bar, and a ruck sack.
Track your training easily and effectively, with EVERYTHING available at your fingertips.
Full program will be delivered as an e-book download upon payment. The program is also printable.