Top 5 Reasons You Will Fail Ranger School

Why You Will Fail Ranger School

There Are Many Ways to Fail the U.S. Army’s Ranger School, Here Are the Most Likely:

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Reason #5: You didn’t take it seriously.

Many Soldiers hear horror stories of Ranger School and brush them off as being dramatized spin-offs of reality. They assume, since Soldiers indeed have the tendency to do so, that the hardships of Ranger were blown-out of proportion. They don’t believe the stories of how heavy your rucksack will be at times (literally upwards of 90lb), how much sleep you don’t get (you’ll feel grateful when you get 1+ hr of sleep), and how hungry you get (yes, you’ll get 2x MREs a day, but you’ll usually only get 5min or so to eat them, and you burn waaaaaaayyy more calories than you consume). Take the stories seriously, they are most likely true, even the craziest ones.

Ranger Student With a Huge Rucksack

Reason #4: You weren’t physically ready… at all…

Many guys will think to themselves, “hey, girls pass Ranger now, how hard can it be?” I’m here to tell you, it’s still fuckin’ hard. Make no mistake, the females at Ranger School (especially the ones that tab up) are monsters. If you are that guy, you should shut the fuck up about women making it through Ranger, especially if you don’t have a Tab. It doesn’t do anyone any good.

Female Ranger at RAP Week

If you didn’t physically prep properly, you’ll be lucky to make it through RAP week, and even if you do, you'll probably hurt yourself or just bitch out during the remainder of the School. I always say, the #1 thing you should do to prepare to be successful at Ranger is to get in the right shape. This is key to being able to pass the gated events, remain resilient when emotional times are hard, and remain an asset to your team when shit needs to be carried. Get THIS PROGRAM to get ready.

Reason #3: You’re a dick.

You know that guy that told you how he got “screwed over” during peers? Well, there is a 99.9% chance he didn’t, and he was just a dick… He either didn’t perform well during leadership, didn’t help leadership when it was their turn to get their GOs, or was just a straight up asshole that no one liked. When you are there, remember, you get your Tab as a team, not as an individual.

Ranger Students at Malvesti Obstacle Course

Reason #2: You fail patrols.

Leadership position time is the most stressful time in school. But, if you take it seriously, follow the Ranger Handbook, and ask your dudes for help, you’ll be just fine (hopefully). The RIs will tell you to act like its real when on mission, that is solid advice. Take it seriously, follow the rules, go by the book, and get it done right.

Reason #1: You fuckin’ quit.

Ranger School is an absolute marathon of physical endurance and mental mind games. EVERY DAY you will face new challenges that will have you wondering why you ever even signed up to go to school. The best advice I can give is to find “small wins” everywhere you can. I looked forward to every meal, every end of mission, every day down. I looked forward to taking a knee and pulling security for even just a minute. Find your small victories and cherish them, because the rest of your day will be full of hardship. No matter what happens, keep moving forward and DON’T QUIT.

Ranger School Student Screaming

All photos found at Airborne Ranger Training Brigade.

 Author: CPT Dan Fahey (Class 02-18)

~Exceed the Standard


  • Lance Keith Ward

    The best school Uncle Sugar ever sent me to. I thought I was tough with some cred to back it up. This school tested every fiber of my being. I saw men break through all 3 phases. I saw toughness and true loyalty win the day and or night. Being from IOBC and instructed their by a veteran of Grenada from 1st. bn my peers and I were as prepared as we could be. I was close to getting peered in 1st phase and took the RI’s counseling to heart. I almost broke in Mountain phase phase humping a SAW down some TVD divide fucking mountain. Made it to Florida and was stoked on the warmth and the water ops. I grew up on the beach and in the water and knew the end was within site. My squad member, a dude from 2nd.Bn.had a moment of weakness during a night river crossing. I told him “look bro you are one of the most solid motherfuckers in this platoon, we are only 5? days out from graduation. You are going to be fine, snap in and get across the river”. This cat turns out to be the enlisted honor grad and told me that he rated me highest on the final peer eval. I learned a lot and am happy to have had the chance to attend and complete that school. Good luck fuckers-don’t quit.

  • Who cares

    lol, I made E9 as an admin guy chillin, and collect my phat ret checks now, go enjoy your swamps for the same pay you ego maniacs

  • Steve

    Yep! I remembers patrolling in swamp phase with a numb nuts lieutenant dick who got us lost and missed a re-supply drop. Missed off the entire section and needless to say he got peered out.

  • SGT Jaquar McNeil

    If the opportunity ever comes for me to go to Ranger school. I’ll definitely keep this in mind.

  • Sgt William Landers

    We only got 1MRE a day. Class8-88 tabbed

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